In order to promote young scientists, COMMA regularly awards a prize for the best student paper. Starting with COMMA 2024 the award has been denoted Trevor Bench-Capon Best Student Paper Award, in recognition of Trevor-Bench Capon, one of the driving forces behind the COMMA community, who sadly passed away in 2024.
Trevor Bench-Capon Best Student Paper Awards
Daphne Odekerken:
Finding Relevant Updates in Incomplete Argumentation Frameworks
Previous Best Student Paper Awards
Michael Bernreiter, Wolfgang Dvořák and Stefan Woltran:
Abstract Argumentation with Conditional Preferences
Jérémie Dauphin, Tjitze Rienstra, Leendert Van Der Torre:
A Principle-Based Analysis of Weakly Admissible Semantics
Lisa A. Chalaguine, Fiona L. Hamilton, Anthony Hunter, Henry W.W. Potts:
Argument Harvesting Using Chatbots
Rory Duthie, Katarzyna Budzynska, Chris Reed:
Mining Ethos in Political Debate
Thomas Linsbichler:
Splitting Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
Dionysios Kontarinis, Elise Bonzon, Nicolas Maudet and Pavlos Moraitis:
Picking the Right Expert to Make a Debate Uncontroversial
Sarah Gaggl, Stefan Woltran:
CF2 Semantics Revisited